For a limited time only, there will be no user fee to submit a dispute
Empowering you to challenge content decisions on social media
Welcome to the Appeals Centre Europe. We deliver independent out-of-court resolution of content disputes on Facebook, TikTok and YouTube.
Fast, easy, low-cost review of content decisions on social media
Raising a dispute about content on Facebook, TikTok and YouTube has never been easier. Experience the fast and fair service of the Appeals Centre today.

Register now and submit your dispute to remove or restore content on Facebook, TikTok or YouTube.
Frequently asked questions
Find answers to key questions about the Appeal Centre.
What platforms does the Appeals Centre cover?
We currently accept disputes about content on Facebook, TikTok and YouTube. We intend to expand to other social media platforms over time.
What kind of content does the Appeals Centre cover?
We currently accept disputes about individual pieces of content which have been removed or left up by Facebook, TikTok and YouTube. This includes videos, photos, text posts and comments. Account restrictions, and other types of enforcement actions, cannot be reviewed by the Appeals Centre at this time.
How recently does the content in question need to have been posted?
The platform must have made its decision on the content in the last six months.
Who can submit a dispute to the Appeals Centre?
Anyone located in the European Union can submit a dispute.
What language does the content need to be in to submit a dispute to the Appeals Centre?
Content can be submitted in most languages commonly spoken in the EU. However, the dispute must be communicated to us in one of our six operating languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Dutch, so you must use one of those languages when submitting a dispute.
How do I submit a dispute?
Click ‘Start Dispute‘ in the header of this page to dispute a content moderation decision by Facebook, TikTok or YouTube.
What does the Appeals Centre do when it receives my dispute?
See our ‘Dispute Process‘ page for more information on how we review and decide disputes.
How much does it cost to submit a dispute?
There is a €5 fee for submitting a dispute, which is refunded if we decide the case in your favour. This fee helps prevent abuse of our systems and ensures that we only receive legitimate cases from users.
How do I track my case?
You can manage and track your case through our online case management portal here.
What rules does the Appeals Centre apply when deciding a dispute?
Our case reviewers apply platforms’ content policies (terms and conditions) when deciding disputes. When making these decisions, we will apply our normative framework which includes a human rights analysis.
How long will it take to make a decision on my dispute?
We aim to make our decision available to you and the platform within 90 calendar days of you submitting your dispute. In most cases, however, we expect to make our decision more quickly. If we encounter unexpected delays, we will send a message to the email address provided when you submitted your appeal. For complex disputes, we may extend the timeframe for making our decision to up to 180 calendar days.
How does the Appeals Centre select its case reviewers?
The Appeals Centre is staffed by full-time, professional case reviewers with experience of applying platforms’ content policies. We also have reviewers with linguistic and subject-matter expertise. The compensation of our case reviewers is not linked to how they decide cases.
Do platforms have to implement the Appeals Centre’s decisions?
While the Appeals Centre’s decisions are non-binding, platforms must engage in good faith and our decision may result in the platform overturning its previous decision on the content in question.
What can I do if I’m unhappy with this service?
If you are unhappy about your experience with the Appeals Centre you can send us feedback. We review complaints if they are made within 21 days of the incident about which you have concerns. When contacting us, please provide examples of any potential issues. We will use your feedback to make improvements to our service, and complaints are regularly reviewed by our leadership.